About us

Who we are?

PREVLLY is a Polish company that was founded out of need and passion. Our product – PREVLLY ONE is smart plaster that is breakthrough on the medical market and a milestone in improving the

standard of living of millions of patients suffering from pressure ulcers around the world. Research
and development are the pillars on which we base our activities. Having such foundations, we boldly
look to the future.

Our PREVLLY ONE plaster is a technologically advanced, comprehensive, preventive anti-bedsore
plaster. Innovation on a global scale consists in the fact that PREVLLY through its functionalities and
properties, reaches all known factors causing the formation of pressure ulcers, and thus stimulates
the user’s body to actively react and defend. None of the previous methods of prevention is so
comprehensive and doesn`tt result in the active work of the exposed person’s body.


We have built and tested a prototype of our anti-bedsore preventive patch that must undergo another iteration to prepare for clinical testing and certification.

Prevlly 1.0 MVP

Produkt o minimalnej funkcjonalności. Gotowy do:

  • badań klinicznych’
  • certyfikacji’
  • sprzedaży.

Prevlly 2.0 Development version

Model udoskonalony:

  • wzbogacony o wbudowane sensory
    nacisku i wilgoci’
  • przekazujący dane w czasie rzeczywistym’
  • zmodyfikowany materiał rozkładający
    nacisk oraz odpowiadający za absorpcję’
  • dokładniej dopasowane elektrody.

Prevlly 3.0 Advanced version

Urządzenie kompletne umożliwiające:

  • prowadzenie pełnego monitoringu i diagnostyki’
  • informowanie o podjęciu koniecznych czynności,
    związanych m.in. z wymianą plastra lub koniecznością
    zmiany terapii’
  • zastosowanie terapii dopasowanej wspieranej przez AI.
    Urządzenie wyposażone we własną technologię
    nacisku i technologię chłonną.

The solution we propose is an END-TO-END product, characterized by unrivaled innovation in the approach to anti-bedsore prevention. It is related to the possibility of transferring convalescence home, providing greater comfort to patients, thus reducing the expenses incurred by health protection, the patient himself and his caregivers.

Our team

Jeremi Zgierski

CEO, Technology

Rafał Mazur

CMO, Medicine

Karolina Kucio

PM, Biotechnology

Marcin Szymański

Operations & Finance

Łukasz Cieśla

Business & Development

Anna Wrochna

Communication Manager

Karol Piątek

Attorney at Law


Why the Prevlly patch?

Openness and innovation

We are actively looking for new non-standard solutions. We are ready to take on challenges and initiate cooperation that goes beyond our own area of ​​operation.


We constantly improve our knowledge and skills. We take care of every detail of work in the
organization, we perform all its elements with commitment and due diligence. We operate in
accordance with accepted standards.

Mutual respect

We show empathy and understanding of a different point of view. We perceive the emotions of
others and respond to them in an appropriate and responsible manner. We know how to listen. We
appreciate and pay attention to other people and provide mutual feedback.

Operational excellence

We take responsibility for the decisions and actions we take. We constantly improve the existing company processes and our own competences.


We accept the changes and see the opportunities resulting from them. We have the ability to modify priorities.

The first in the world

Preventive anti-bedsore plaster



Innovation on a global scale lies in the fact that our product through its functionalities
and properties reaches all known to us factors causing the formation of pressure ulcers, and this by itself, it stimulates the user’s body to react and defend itself actively.



Thanks to the knowledge of the factors that cause and accelerate the appearance of symptoms, special layers have been designed in the patch, each of which has an individual functionality and acts on a specific cause of bedsores. The first tests have already shown that the product is 100% effective.


Easy to apply

Our product is 100% safe for use. It works intuitively and does not require any
medical or technical training from the user.


The statistics are inexorable – about 2 percent people all over the world suffer from pressure ulcers.

This is a serious health risk for immobilized patients and a real challenge for their caregivers, but most of all it is a huge therapeutic problem for qualified medical staff. Therefore, according to the principle: prevention is better than cure, appropriate prophylaxis should be the key to success.

Therefore, according to the principle: prevention is better than cure, appropriate prophylaxis should be the key to success.

The problem of bedridden patients, i.e. basic information about pressure ulcers.

A pressure ulcer is a limited tissue necrosis resulting from blood circulation disorders caused by prolonged or repeated pressure exerted on the patient’s body and, consequently, on venous and arterial vessels. This condition can affect the epidermis, the entire thickness of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and bones. In the vicinity of the pressure ulcer, an inflammatory process usually takes place and there are often recesses with purulent discharge reaching in various directions, sometimes over a considerable distance.

Who is affected?

The problem of bedsores concerns mainly bedridden people with mobility difficulties. As a result of prolonged pressure on the skin and subcutaneous tissue and the action of abrasive forces, such patients experience disturbances in blood circulation, followed by cell death, tissue necrosis and ulceration.

Why the Prevlly ONE patch?

Bedsores are wounds that take a long time to heal. There are very few prevention methods, and treatment is very tedious, long and expensive. The most important thing in our project is that the product reaches the causes of bedsores and prevents them. Pressure ulcers cause a lot of additional complications and suffering for the patient. In the most severe cases, they can even lead to the death of the patient.


Protection against long-term and costly treatment and disease-related complications.
Thanks to the unconventional approach and the use of electrostimulation of the endangered areas, the PREVLLY device will prevent the formation of pressure ulcers, and thus the long-term and costly treatment and complications related to the disease.

PREVLLY is the world’s first intelligent anti-bedsore dressing which, thanks to its technology, reacts and eliminates the factors that create pressure ulcers, protecting patients from pain.
Thanks to the knowledge of the factors that cause and accelerate the appearance of symptoms, special layers have been designed in the plaster, each of which has an individual functionality and works on a specific cause of bedsores. The first tests have already shown that the product is 100% effective.

About us in the press

Read more about what our goals are

Polacy stworzyli inteligentny opatrunek na odleżyny.

Choć dzięki innowacyjnym lekom część chorób uważanych za nieuleczalne jest już oceniana jako przewlekłe, medycyna nie potrafiła poradzić sobie z problemem odleżyn. Mają je miliony osób na całym świecie.

Leczenie odleżyn przy pomocy inteligentnego plastra Prevlly

Odleżyny to utrapienie dotykające najczęściej osób niepełnosprawnych, które spędzają większość czasu w pozycji leżącej lub poruszają się na wózku. Najpierw wydają się być niegroźne, lecz w dalszym…

Młodzi przedsiębiorcy z Lublina pomysły mają, ale łatwo nie jest. ‘Przeszkodą są koncerny medyczne’

Sztuczna chrząstka znikająca po kilku miesiącach, system implantów do stabilizacji kręgosłupa czy innowacyjne plastry…

Prevlly tworzy prewencyjne plastry przeciwodleżynowe. Innowacja poprawia standard życia pacjentów

Jeremi Zgierski, CEO Prevlly to na co dzień manager w branży IT, jednak jego historia osobista – choroba taty sprawiła, że zaczął szukać rozwiązania dla starego i powszechnego problemu, jakim są…

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